Thursday 22 October 2009

Know A Sport Series

We all have been talking about different aspects of sports in this one month period of our course commencement. May it be its marketing or journalism or production or politics in sports or Common wealth games and the list is long. But I think if we are willing to jump into the world of sports we really-really need to know the common glossary of every sport at least in a basic way so that we don't feel alien if we drop into a sport we have never heard of.

Reading them from wiki-pedia or any other journal, article, information piece on net is something we all may find a little hard to understand. Specially if one has never been in touch with that sport.

So I think one brilliant option is to exchange and share what one already knows in easy to understand way. Many of us are being associated with one or other sports why not let others know your sport better. In our marketing terms I'd say:
"Be your sport's brand ambassador. "

I would request all those reading this blog to please share and help. Even I request Smita Maam if you could spare some time for helping us with your vast knowledge of different sports it will be of great help to us.

Let us keep it in a basic format. Write in the heading :- Know A Sport Series : "Name of Sport"

I would love to hear your opinions on this idea. Or if in case you do not agree.

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