Thursday 8 October 2009


National games are always a delightful event for the people who are into sport and for the people who have passion and love for them . In India sport marketing is poor except for cricket . Other games too need their market and a good market comes with 3 main components:-
REACH -spectators/audience without any geographical boudaries.
ENGAGEMENT-giving the detail message abt the sport
STICKNESS-reasons for audience to come & watch by making the game interesting &fun with its arrangement .
Promotion can be done through various mediums like webpage,posters,radio,press releases,t.v adds .it should not only promote games bt also the culture of that particular state making people to cross there geographical boundaries.


  1. thankyou madam....
    give me more work,projects,anything that you wish to give.

  2. According to me reach and engagement and can only be created if there is stickness ie only if viewing the game is made more interesting and fun , will the viewership follow i would like to mention the example of the English Premier League (football) ,it is the most widely watched league as compared to other leagues in Spain and Italy due to the fact that the football played in England is much more attractive and attacking than in Spain or Italy. The EPL is widely watched across South Asia and there is very little viewership for the other leagues of Spain, Italy ,Because of this ESPN has not renewed its telecast rights of the Spanish Primera Liga in India

  3. dear ankit ...
    let me explain u with the example

    To start a buiness its not only money,bt u need manpower,ur own skills,a good teprament...
    this says that a business cannot be run through a single component bt ya their is different effectiveness of different components.
    "every input plays an important role for selling its output" said by manish choudhary.

    SELL word here is a complicated word...
    it has different meanings to it

  4. Whereas I personally think that every game can be marketed and be turned into a bussiness... All that matters is the ratio of the 3 components you mentioned will be changed. For example: You might need to work more on

    REACH factor for sports which is known well but attracts less viewership like Swimming (everyone knows but do it have any viewership, not really.)

    #ENGAGEMENT for unknown sports like say Bob-seiling

    # STICKNESS for sports which are both known and popular and a category of people likes to watch but needs to be promoted more like tennis or badminton or boxing!

    between I liked that "Said by Manish Caudhry" :P

  5. THIS IS IT....
    nw u know everything,yes u r rite abt the ratio. I myself said that all inputs coming together with its total utilization will make a product more influential.
    I also agree on that every game need to be marketed bt in the end u all know that one has to make a brand value for longer period...
    what i mean by this more people engaging into those sport n emerging as winners,provided with all government support.this takes time n it will happen some day.
    So atithya u hve a gud hope...(A GOOD THINKING)

    n most importantly every game should have its role models nt one bt many ....
    now days people are connecting with other sports its the rite tym to hit people mind abt different games.Parents shoud also allow der child to follow der dreams ....these r basic problems...these r uncountable bt bt bt ...we are here to disuss the solutions nt problems as we all are aware of them

    In the end its all abt CONNECTING of sport with people.....

  6. @ANKIT......epl is more popular because of its competetive games played......make no mistake spanish la liga is most interesting league with giants like real madrid and barcelona and dey ve d best players like messi and ronaldo.....coming to d point....
    to make a sport more watchable it needs more role models who can inspire d do not need money and marketing a game needs a player.....have u ever tht y cricket is so popular in india coz india won d world cup in 1983 and FROM DEN CRICKET MARKETED ITSELF IN PEOPLE HEART AND MAKING INDIA A MORE LUCRATIVE MARKET FOR CRICKET.......I REALLY DO NOT AGREE TO D FACT THAT IF U MARKET SWIMMING IN INDIA IT LL EVER B MARKETED...we need better facilty and motivation from d government......

  7. a lil of this point has been taken in my other article of promoting national brand.
    whatever we are thinking rite now it must hve been thought by every organistion of their repective game. The point is how much willingness do they hve and what steps they are taking to make it happen...
    "THAT IS IT"
    and for this to happen, we need to overcome our basic problems. one of them is "corruption".
