Saturday 7 August 2010

Saina Nehwal wants 2 b world no.1

Hard work, determination and a little bit of narcissism that seems to be ace-badminton player Saina Nehwal's (above) success mantra. “More than playing badminton,“ she laughs, “I love winning and seeing my photos in the papers. That drove me to play more and more. Even today,

I love standing on the podium. Nothing else matters,“ says Saina, who's second only to World No 1 Yihan Wang.

Success, of course, comes at a price, but one that Saina is all too willing to pay. “You must have a good physique in this game. I have a strong body.
I cannot put on weight. So, I stopped eating oily food and ice creams. Only when I win do I treat myself and eat whatever I want,“ says Saina, in an interview to Verve magazine. And, doesn't she miss living life like regular girls her age? Hardly seems so.
“I do whatever I am told to do. So, people believe that Saina will always listen.
Basically, I am a nice person. I love the game so much that I want to spend time on the court. Even while growing up, I would love working hard. My body would hurt after workouts, but I loved the pain. I want to make myself so perfect that I will become World No 1.
That is my target,“ she signs off.

Add to that the support of loved ones and you've got a champ. “I tell my mother everything and try to share as much as possible with her,“ says Saina.
“My father is very emotional. When he comes to tournaments with me, he gets nervous. And so he watches me on television.“

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