Thursday 12 August 2010

Sachin's blood in a book @ $75,000

How much would you pay to own a piece of Sachin Tendulkar, literally?

At least 10 people are willing to fork out $75,000 (approx Rs 35.2 lakh) for a very limited edition of a book about him, the Tendulkar Opus, which will feature a page made from paper pulp that includes the master batsman's blood.

“The signature page will be mixed with Sachin's blood -mixed into the paper pulp, so it's a red resin. It is what it is -you will have Sachin's blood on the page,“ publisher Kraken Media's chief executive Karl Fowler is quoted as saying by the Guardian newspaper. “It's not everyone's cup of tea. But the key thing here is that Sachin Tendulkar, to millions of people, is a religious icon. And we thought how, in a publishing form, can you get as close to your god as possible?“ Fowler also confirmed 10 such special copies had already been pre-ordered and all proceeds from the sale of these books would go to Tendulkar's charitable foundation to help build a school in Mumbai.

The book, due to be published in February to coincide with the World Cup in India, will contain previously unpublished family photographs from Tendulkar's album. It weighs 37 kgs, comprises 852 pages and is edged in gold leaf.

To accommodate the tastes of those who aren't excited at the prospect of blood, even if it is Sachin's, and whose wallets don't fancy the hefty price tag, a “regular“ edition is available at $ 2,000 3,000 (Rs 94,000 1,41,000).

The publisher will print 1,000 such copies, and all will be signed by Tendulkar and include his DNA map, but not his actual blood.

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