Thursday 19 August 2010

No kissing please, we're Indians, ministry advises foreign visitors

A peck on the cheek while greeting a female acquaintance is "just not done" when you are in India. Sole exception: Only if the acquaintance is a model or a beauty queen. Tourists should, however, discuss politics. Most Indians love to talk politics and 'have an opinion on which they will not mind being contradicted'. But equally, visitors should avoid discussing religion.

These are advices a website set up by the Common-wealth Games Travel Office,, provides foreigners planning to visit India during the Games.

"This is an official website of the Ministry of Tourism and Air India, created especially for the Commonwealth Games," said Sunil Kundu, an official at the Common-wealth Games Travel Office.

Other tips on etiquette, the kind of food available, shopping and even toilets can also be found.

If tourists are unsure about the quality of food the website suggests they 'do not eat salads and stick to vegetarian food.

If shopping from a roadside stall, one should 'be prepared to bargain. Start by offering half the price and settle for 60 per cent.

"These guidelines are very stereotypical. How can you know if a model is ok with a peck on the cheek or that Indians do not mind being contradicted about politics?" said Olle Kitanda, a DU student from Kenya.

The site also advises tou-rists to utilise every chance to use the toilet in a good hotel, as roadside conveniences are usually unclean.

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